"Let Good Befall the World" - Agni Yoga, HEART
The Sun moves into Gemini today, May 20th at 7:37 am PDT. Gemini is a masculine sign and primarily a sign of relationship and goodwill. The drive is to connect and weave a tapestry revealing the connection of everyone and everything.
Gemini rules how we think, write and speak. We offer our message to the world and look for response. We create conversation to broaden consciousness. We exchange ideas to build true wisdom in the field of Humanity.
The great opportunity in the sign of Gemini is to fuse duality, to use the energy of Venus (Gemini’s soul-centered ruler) to bring harmony and wisdom to the often warring opposites. During this heated political season, the war between the opposites is fully on. We need to hold the Venusian point of beauty, intelligence and wisdom.
Under Gemini, we have the opportunity to see more deeply. We can open our internal eye and do the subtle work of sensing commonality. The Ajna Center (ruled by Venus) offers us the lens through which we can see the light inherent in all things, in all people, in all kingdoms. It offers the eye of perspective and wisdom and fusion.
We can be torn apart by a war of words. We can injure one another deeply when we choose only to engage in a battle of the intellect. Always and ever, we must invite the perspective of the Ajna center and the power of the willing heart.
Gemini when standing solely in its personality domain is interested in cold hard facts and nothing more. It can slay with intelligence. It can diffuse with distraction and superficial knowledge.
The greatest opportunity of this month is to cultivate conversation with your soul. Have an ongoing conversation with the true YOU. Refuse to see superficially. Look deeper at every encounter, at every exchange. Refuse to polarize. You can stand in integrity and right action without polarizing. Can you feel this?
Our hearts can blaze with oneness, with non-duality, with striving. This month I myself want to work on the relationship with my own heart. I want to feel how it is connected to every heart in this Solar System. I want to feel its universality. I envision the heart as a lit torch which once lit wants to light any heart it meets. We can ignite a chain of fiery love. Relationships are kindled through the heart.
We all can feel the difference between polite conversation and a true meeting of hearts and minds. It is a kind of communion and not just a conversation. We feel the mutuality of the soul self.
Use this month to establish a deeper connection with your own fiery hearth. Daily, ask yourself — in any exchange — if it is possible to presence more qualities of the soul-- Beauty, Joy, Courage, Wisdom, Impartiality or Equanimity.
That would be a month well spent.
Big love,
Heidi Rose
To move Cleanly. Needing to be Nowhere else. Wanting nothing From any store. To lift something You already had And set it down in A new place. Awakened eye Seeing freshly. What does that do to The old blood moving through Its channels?
~ Naomi Shihab Nye ~