I like to call myself a poet with a map of the heavens in my pocket.
My passion is to inspire and encourage us all to be our truest, most authentic, radiant selves using the tools of astrology and poetry.

Home to souls ready to become the most radiant version of themselves.

In EVERYDAY RADIANCE, discover a year's worth of advice, clarity, and renewal through a collection of 365 zodiac-inspired prompts. Divided into the 12 months of the astrological year, each of the approximately 30 approachable and illuminating prompts for each sign provides a quick practice, writing exercise, or creativity nudge designed to harness the power of the day's unique astrological energy.
Start on any day and follow the prompts throughout the year to nurture your most radiant self.
Not sure where to begin? Start here!
If you want a powerful introduction to your chart, start here. The Astrology Bundle contains the Charting Your Course workbook, a 46-page guide that takes you through the Planets, the 12 Signs and the 12 Houses and how to weave these elements together to develop a deeper understanding of your chart AND a Sun, Moon, & Rising Snapshot, a personal audio created for you by our team of astrologers that dives deeply into your big 3 positions.
Luminous, adj
Full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark.
Join us in our community, Luminosity! It is full of astrological study to guide and inspire us, art and poetry to help us crack open and receive, and virtual gatherings to awaken the power we have together. Let's make this a time of LUMINOUS SOUL GROWTH.
"Through her poetry and knowledge, Heidi taught me a new way of seeing the world. What I have learned about astrology from her has made me more compassionate and has helped me approach my life and the people in it with more understanding, patience, and grace. I am forever grateful to Heidi."
Upcoming Retreat
Upcoming Class

Join Heidi on March 13th at 6pm PT to steep in an hour of poetry, chosen to reflect the themes of the astrological season. Access below as a one-off class OR join Luminosity to have access to this and many other offerings.

Heidi Rose Robbins has been a professional astrologer for 25 years, helping thousands of clients all over the globe live with more authenticity and clarity. She hosts two podcasts, THE RADIANCE PROJECT, featuring poetry, astrology, and good company, and CHART YOUR CAREER, with co-host Ellen Fondiler. Twice a year, she leads Radiant Life Retreats, for people wishing to take a deeper dive into her work. She is also a guest faculty member at Esalen in Big Sur, CA.
Heidi has written two books of poetry, This Beckoning Ceaseless Beauty and Wild Compassion, and has been a featured poet at two TedX events. Her 12-book series, The Zodiac Love Letters, was published by One Idea Press, and last year her new book, Everyday Radiance--based on her daily Instagram offerings--was published by Chronicle.
Heidi grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, learning the zodiac with her A,B, C’s, and calls herself “a poet with a map of the heavens in her pocket.”
She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two kids, Kate and Dylan.